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KK Investment Partners

(Czech Republic)

Total value of assets invested/managed by KK Investment Partners: $ 104 M in 18 companies

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Fossil Fuel Sectors

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18 results  Total investment of current selection: $ 104 M

# Name Name Name Type Country of HQ Country of HQ Country of HQ Sectors subsidiaries Shares $M Bonds $M Total $M
1 Schlumberger Ltd (SLB) KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic United States Europe (EU) North America Schlumberger Finance Canada Ltd, Schlumberger Finance BV 23 M 23 M
2 Partners Group Holding AG KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Switzerland Europe (EU) Europe (non EU) 20 M 20 M
3 CEZ a.s. KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Czech Republic Europe (EU) Europe (EU) CEZ Finance BV, CEZ Polska Sp z o o, Severoceske doly AS 13 M 13 M
4 ORLEN SA KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Poland Europe (EU) Europe (EU) ORLEN Unipetrol a.s., CCGT Gdansk Sp. z o.o., CCGT Ostroleka Sp. z o.o., CCGT Grudziadz Sp. z o.o., Elektrownia Ostroleka SA, Energa SA, ENERGA Finance AB, PGNIG TERMIKA Energetyka Przemyslowa SA, PGNiG Termika SA 9 M 9 M
5 OMV AG KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Austria Europe (EU) Europe (EU) OMV Petrom SA 6 M 6 M
6 MOL NyRt KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Hungary Europe (EU) Europe (EU) MOL Group Finance SA, FGSZ Foldgazszallito Zrt 4 M 4 M
7 Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Mexico Europe (EU) Central America Pemex Finance Ltd 4 M 4 M
8 PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna SA KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Poland Europe (EU) Europe (EU) Zespol Elektrocieplowni Wroclawskich KOGENERACJA SA, PGE Elektrocieplownia Gorzow, PGE Elektrownia Opole SA, PGE Elektrownia Turow SA, PGE Energia Ciepła Oddział Wybrzeże, PGE Energia Ciepła SA, PGE Gornictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna SA, PGE Kopalnia Wegla Brunatnego Belchatow SA, PGE Kopalnia Węgla Brunatnego Turow SA, PGE Sweden AB, Zespół Elektrowni Dolna Odra SA, PGE Zespoł Elektrociepłowni Bydgoszcz SA, PGE Elektrownia Rybnik SA, PGE Elektrownia Bełchatów SA 4 M 4 M
9 QatarEnergy KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Qatar Europe (EU) Middle East Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Co Ltd, Golden Pass LNG Terminal LLC 3 M 3 M
10 TAURON Polska Energia SA KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Poland Europe (EU) Europe (EU) Tameh Holding sp Z oo, Tauron Cieplo Sp, Tauron Wydobycie SA, Tauron Wytwarzanie SA 3 M 3 M
11 Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Malaysia Europe (EU) South-East Asia PETRONAS Chemicals Group Bhd, Pengerang LNG (Two) Sdn Bhd, PETRONAS Capital Ltd 3 M 3 M
12 NET4GAS s.r.o. KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Czech Republic Europe (EU) Europe (EU) 2 M 2 M
13 Enea SA KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Poland Europe (EU) Europe (EU) Enea Elektrownia Polaniec SA, Enea Wytwarzanie SA, Lubelski Wegiel Bogdanka SA 2 M 2 M
14 SNGN Romgaz SA KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Romania Europe (EU) Europe (EU) 2 M 2 M
15 PT PLN (Persero) (Perusahaan Listrik Negara) KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Indonesia Europe (EU) South-East Asia PT Indo Raya Tenaga, PT PLN Nusantara Power, PT PLN Indonesia Power, PT Pelayaran Bahtera Adhiguna, PT PLN Energi Primer Indonesia, PT Jambi Prima Coal, PT Artha Daya Coalindo, Majapahit Holding BV, Majapahit Finance BV, PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Investasi 2 M 2 M
16 Empresa Nacional del Petroleo (ENAP) KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Chile Europe (EU) South America 1 M 1 M
17 PT Pertamina (Persero) KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic Indonesia Europe (EU) South-East Asia PT Saka Energi Indonesia <1 M <1 M
18 Sempra Energy KK Investment Partners investment Czech Republic United States Europe (EU) North America Southern California Gas Co, Infraestructura Energetica Nova SAPI de CV, Port Arthur LNG Phase II LLC, ECA Liquefaction S de RL de CV, Energia Costa Azul S de RL de CV, Vista Pacifico LNG SAPI de CV <1 M <1 M

Financial data is drawn from the commercial database Refinitiv (now known as LSEG Data & Analytics). For a selection of pension and sovereign wealth funds, data was collected from the fund disclosures and SEC filings in individual cases. The data was retrieved in May 2024, but filings can be older than that and might have changed since. This might especially be the case if an investor introduced a fossil fuel policy in the meantime. We acknowledge that shares and bonds of some Russian companies can't be traded on all markets anymore and were written off some investors’ portfolios.

This report is meant for information purposes only and not as a source of any specific investment recommendation. Nothing herein shall constitute or be construed as a recommendation, endorsement, or sponsorship of any company or fund. You should determine on your own whether you agree with the content of this information and data provided.

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