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Eightstone Oclaner


Total value of assets invested/managed by Eightstone Oclaner: $ 29 M in 16 companies

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Fossil Fuel Sectors

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16 results  Total investment of current selection: $ 29 M

# Name Name Name Type Country of HQ Country of HQ Country of HQ Sectors subsidiaries Shares $M Bonds $M Total $M
1 PT Indika Energy Tbk Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore Indonesia South-East Asia South-East Asia PT Indika Inti Corpindo, PT Kideco Jaya Agung, PT Multi Tambangjaya Utama, Indika Energy Trading Pte Ltd, Indika Capital Investment Pte Ltd, Indika Energy Capital Pte Ltd, Indika Energy Capital II Pte Ltd, Indika Energy Capital III Pte Ltd, Indika Energy Capital IV Pte Ltd 4 M 4 M
2 NCIG Holdings Pty Ltd Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore Australia South-East Asia Oceania Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group Pty Ltd 3 M 3 M
3 Adani Group Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore India South-East Asia South Asia Adani Australia Pty Ltd, Adani Enterprises Ltd, Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd, Adani Power Ltd, Adani Energy Solutions Ltd, North Queensland Export Terminal Pty Ltd, PT Adani Global, Bravus Mining and Resources, Pench Thermal Energy (MP) Ltd, Adani Power Dahej Ltd, Adani Power (Jharkhand) Ltd, Karaikal Port Pvt Ltd, Adani Krishnapatnam Port Ltd, Mahan Energen Ltd, Bowen Rail Co Pty Ltd, Stratatech Mineral Resources Pvt Ltd, Adani Electricity Mumbai Ltd, NQXT Capital Pty Ltd, Adani Rugby Run Finance Pty Ltd, Mahanadi Mines and Minerals Pvt Ltd, CG Natural Resources Pvt Ltd, MP Natural Resources Pvt Ltd, Anuppur Thermal Energy (MP) Pvt Ltd, Katni Thermal Energy (MP) Ltd, Mirzapur Thermal Energy (UP) Pvt Ltd, Adani Infra (India) Ltd, Kalinga Alumina Ltd, Ambuja Cements Ltd 3 M 3 M
4 The AES Corporation Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore United States South-East Asia North America AES Argentina Generacion SA, AES Andes SA, AES Mong Duong Power Co Ltd, AES Ohio, DPL Inc, AES Indiana, Empresa Electrica Angamos SpA, AES Bulgaria BV, DPL Capital Trust II, Mong Duong Finance Holdings BV 3 M 3 M
5 RATCH Group Public Company Ltd Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore Thailand South-East Asia South-East Asia Hin Kong Power Company Ltd, Minejesa Capital BV 2 M 2 M
6 Santos Ltd Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore Australia South-East Asia Oceania Santos Finance Ltd 2 M 2 M
7 PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore Indonesia South-East Asia South-East Asia PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama 2 M 2 M
8 JSW Steel Ltd Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore India South-East Asia South Asia JSW Utkal Steel Ltd 2 M 2 M
9 Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Limited Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore China (Hong Kong) South-East Asia East Asia 1 M 1 M
10 EnQuest PLC Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore United Kingdom South-East Asia Europe (non EU) 1 M 1 M
11 Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore Mexico South-East Asia Central America Pemex Finance Ltd 1 M 1 M
12 PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore Indonesia South-East Asia South-East Asia PT Bukit Asam Tbk, PT Bukit Asam Prima, PT Bukit Pembangkit Innovative, PT Internasional Prima Coal 1 M 1 M
13 PT PLN (Persero) (Perusahaan Listrik Negara) Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore Indonesia South-East Asia South-East Asia PT Indo Raya Tenaga, PT PLN Nusantara Power, PT PLN Indonesia Power, PT Pelayaran Bahtera Adhiguna, PT PLN Energi Primer Indonesia, PT Jambi Prima Coal, PT Artha Daya Coalindo, Majapahit Holding BV, Majapahit Finance BV, PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Investasi 1 M 1 M
14 Tullow Oil plc Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore United Kingdom South-East Asia Europe (non EU) Tullow Oil (Jersey) Ltd, Tullow Oil Finance Ltd <1 M <1 M
15 BlueNord ASA Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore Norway South-East Asia Europe (non EU) <1 M <1 M
16 PT ABM Investama Tbk Eightstone Oclaner investment Singapore Indonesia South-East Asia South-East Asia PT Cipta Kridatama, PT Pelabuhan Buana Reja, PT Reswara Minergi Hartama, PT Baruna Dirga Dharma <1 M <1 M

Financial data is drawn from the commercial database Refinitiv (now known as LSEG Data & Analytics). For a selection of pension and sovereign wealth funds, data was collected from the fund disclosures and SEC filings in individual cases. The data was retrieved in May 2024, but filings can be older than that and might have changed since. This might especially be the case if an investor introduced a fossil fuel policy in the meantime. We acknowledge that shares and bonds of some Russian companies can't be traded on all markets anymore and were written off some investors’ portfolios.

This report is meant for information purposes only and not as a source of any specific investment recommendation. Nothing herein shall constitute or be construed as a recommendation, endorsement, or sponsorship of any company or fund. You should determine on your own whether you agree with the content of this information and data provided.

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